Magic Home is a wifi controlled APP for smart led lighting.
What product does this APP support?
1.WiFi RGBW/CT led bulb: It has ON/OFF,colors,dimming,timer,fade.jump,music and remotely control function etc;
2.WiFi CT/RGBW led downlight: It has ON/OFF,dimmer,timer and remotely control function etc;
3.WiFi RGB/CT/Mono led controller, It has ON/OFF,colors,dimming,fade.jump,music control function etc;
4.WiFi RGBW led controller. It has ON/OFF,colors,dimming,timer,fade.jump,music and remotely control function etc;
How to use first time?
1. Download magic home APP from APP store and google play.
2. Swtich on the led
3. Go to phone wlan setting,click“LEDnetxxxxxxx”to connect
4. Run magic home APP.